I am doing a study with several women on the book of Esther. We are all going at our own pace but trying to share what we learn. I'm stuck on chapter one. :)
One of the huge blessings you have in reading a chapter over and over again is the lessons that come to light during that time. That is, if we don’t allow the words to become familiar during those readings. During my reading on one of those days, I asked God to show me one more thing about Vashti. I mean, she was put in this book for a reason. There had to be more to learn from her right? Not to mention, her punishment seemed so harsh. I always wondered why. Don’t get me wrong, I get that she disobeyed the King. But to be banished and stripped of her crown? I don’t know, maybe it’s me being a softy, not sure I would have been so harsh. Guess, that’s why I wasn’t born during that time as a King or a King’s advisor? ;)
After reading Esther 1 again, the words, “Xerxes ruled over
127 provinces” jumped out at me. As I continued to read, these words also jumped out at me, “Vashti
has done wrong, not only against the king but also against all the nobles and
the peoples of all the provinces of King Xerxes. For the queen’s conduct will
become known to all other women and so they will despise their husbands and
say, ‘King Xerxes commanded Queen Vashti to be brought before him, but she
would not come.’….. That’s when it hit
me… Vashti had a great big circle of influence.
When she refused the request of her king, she did so in front of how many
quests within her own party? Weren't these women representatives of the 127 provinces?
Her influence was not
just within the castle walls. It didn’t
stop at the palace gates nor the city limits.
It extended to the far reaches of her husband’s kingdom. She had great influence over the people
within ear shot. I focus on the ones
within ear shot because they were the ones that would share what she does or
doesn’t do. We don’t know how many times
she (if) refused his request before this night but this night was NOT the night to
do it once again. Xerxes had no other
choice but to ask for help in how to deal with her. She again, not only embarrassed him by
refusing him but humiliated him in front of what I imagine to be
representatives and their spouses from 127 provinces.
As I thought about Vashti’s circle of influence, I started
to think about mine. How big it has
gotten. I was fine with mine being
within the confines of my “palace”. You
know the five people that I interact with in on a daily basis (normally). Since moving here, my circle of influence has
grown. It’s now a neighborhood. A community of people who actually interact
with each other quite often. It’s other
home schooling families. It’s other
women who know the Lord. Others who do
not. My circle of influence went from
a small group of men and women plus their families to a number greater than I ever imagined and their families when
my man was promoted. What I say and do is watched very
carefully. I can’t just say what I want
in the way that is flippant anymore. I
have people watching ME. Wondering how I
will react to a woman cussing me out on facebook because she doesn’t like the
fact that I called her out on a lie in private.
They are watching me in how I deal with the news of a death, calling to
congratulate someone on the birth of their baby. Will I send thank you cards? Will I attend and or support a fundraiser
from one of our groups? Much less
the other 5 groups? The list goes on
and on. Then there’s my small number of
friends (compared to others) on facebook. Some of whom I
don’t know and will probably never meet in person. Yet, they are a part of this circle of
influence. What am I saying that will be
a blessing or a curse to them? Am I
causing them to stumble? Or am I helping to pick them up off of the ground
because they have fallen and need a helping hand? Am I using it as a stage for
manipulation? Or a stage to promote God’s heart? Then there are those that come into our lives
for just a brief moment. You know the
ones… They are the ones we meet in line
at the grocery store, movie theatre, gas station. The ones that we can give a smile to, ask how
is your day, pay and move on. The
stranger that passes us as we are walking in to get a cup of coffee, order a
meal, drop off a package at the nearest post office. The ones we think we can’t impact and yet,
with our smile, a simple question of "how is your day really?" comments, and say a silent prayer for
them to be blessed by the One above. then there are those of you who stop by here, by choice, by chance and read these words typed on this page. We
influence every single person without even realizing it.
Because of our kindness, we might just give them a sigh of relief that
we are not all the same. That it’s not
all about us.
I’ll be honest and say, some of this has weighed on me as I
have thought about it. My circle of
influence went from 5 people to way bigger in a blink of an eye. Several years ago, God spoke to my heart about
being watched. That even when I think I
am safe, I am being observed. When I
think no one knows me, I am being watched.
People are observing me. In the way I deal with my children. The way I worship in church. Is my attitude right when I deal with the cashier who is grumpy and so am I? Do I share a smile even if I've been waiting for that parking space and someone else whips in (there have a been a couple of times I have wanted to pull a Fried Green Tomatoes moment - you may be younger and faster but I have more insurance moment). That’s
our circle of influence. What I do and
say to the person I am sitting with while having lunch, others are watching
me. Hearing my conversation. When I stop to have a conversation with an
acquaintance in the commissary, others are overhearing my conversation. Is it gossip? Frustration? Anger?
Sadness? Or is it uplifting? Me praying? Praising God? Funny? Encouraging?
This is a HUGE responsibility that has been placed upon
us. Friends, we have been faithful with
little and now have been given much. Our
words have power to influence others to do right or wrong. I have had a quick reminder of that in the
last month being a wife. As the wife of a soldier, I have been given great responsibility in leading these spouses
during this time. What I say and do
reflects not only upon me, but my husband.
How I deal with the spouse cussing me out, speaks volumes to those who
are watching. Will I respond in the same
manner or say something that will bless her regardless? I can’t always go with my first
instinct. It’s not to bless let me just
tell you. But what I can do is lean on
God to show me the way. I always want to
be the crown upon my husband’s head. I
want him to know that he can trust me to help him lead his people well. Not ever to embarrass him but to stand beside
him- his helpmeet.
I ask you to think about your circle of influence and how you are using it. The responsibility is great and one we need to be mindful of.
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