Don't excuse yourself by saying,
"Look we didn't know."
For God understands all hearts, and He sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
He will repay all people as their actions deserve.
Proverbs 24:12

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Still fundraising and perseverance

Six weeks ago, if you had told me I would be going to Ethiopia, I would have laughed at you. Three weeks ago, if you had told me I would be close to being fully funded, I would have rolled my eyes at you and said something to the effect, " Only, by the grace of God.". Yet, here I am. Both of those two statements being true. Yes, my statement is also true. Only by the grace of God through the cheerleaders like Kevin, Sarah, Hannah, Ethan, Nathan, Shayna, Steff, and Jodie keeping me motivated. It's been through prayer from a child who has that faith that will provide sitting at the dinner table during devotions, all those mentioned previously as well as Gwen, Holly, Trina, Julee, Lacey and Naomi praying for God to move the mountains. Its been the ones who have bought or donated because they believe in missions. It's been the ones who don't believe that this is God's will for me to be there doing whatever it is he wants me to do and me asking God if there is any truth in what they say, then shut the door. Then the doors fly OPEN as God breaths on them as if to say, "This is My will. Now walk through.".Thank you to all who have bought to support me going. Thank you to all who have donated just because you believe in what God says to do. I have learned nothing else about fundraising for this trip to Ethiopia with Because Evey Mother Matters, I've learned about perseverance, endurance, trust, complete and total dependence on YHWH! I've had to step so far outside of myself and my comfort zone in order to accomplish what God has set before me. Its been hard. Really hard! There have been many times during this process when I have said, to God, "I'm DONE!". Not because I was afraid of the work. Not because I was afraid to go to a place where I couldn't fall back on my limited knowledge of the Spanish language (though I can understand it much better than I can speak it.) Not because I won't miss my family being gone for a couple of weeks - because I most definitely will do that! I wanted to quit because I was discouraged. Some not so nice things are said about you, your product, your motives. I've had to learn to brush off the junk and grab hold of the only one who can get me there. Hold me close when I get knocked down. Rest me while I draw near to him. Humble myself in ways I never thought I could or ever wanted. Many times I have said, "I'm done!" and many times I have gotten back up and started once again working towards my goal because I'm here to please one- HIM! The One who said, "Go! This is the time." The great I AM. The lover of my soul. My Jehovah-Jireah, the One who provides. So fundraising, it's hard. I'm tired. I'm weary. It's not for the faint of heart. I'm closer than I was. No, I haven't reached my goal yet. Needing to reach it soon. 14 days soon! Praying for a couple more miracles. So, will you help be one of those miracles? Share the story. Share about BEMM. Again, if you don't want to buy, will you consider a small donation? A large donation? Please, help me get to Ethiopia. I can't get there with out help. Your help. You're not just sowing your seed in me, but whomever I come into contact with, share the gospel with, love on, serve while going and being there. I just need a little more help. About $600 is all that's left to be raised. I really want to meet some of these mamas. Share my story of how I got there. Come back and share their stories with all of you. I want to be apart of delivering that ambulance to those villages. I want to scrub the floors and help stock that clinic. I want to love on those kids that I come into contact with. I want to be Jesus's pinky toe on this journey. I want Him to be glorified. I want His people there to KNOW that they have not been forgotten by Him. I want my heart to reflect Him more and me less. I want my image to be more like His when I look in that mirror and less like this girl who resembles me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! STWTHE, Laurie P.S. If you see something that has been sold, message me here and let me know what you like. More than likely I have the material (or something different if that's the issue) and I can usually make it within a few days and have it out by day three or four. The necklaces are a different story

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