Don't excuse yourself by saying,
"Look we didn't know."
For God understands all hearts, and He sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
He will repay all people as their actions deserve.
Proverbs 24:12

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hodgepodge post

It's time for an update. So, this will be a hodgepodge of things in one post.

1. Adoption update:
Things are starting to move along.  Our home study is done.  WooHoo!!!  Our USCIS paperwork is complete and ready to be sent in after we have gotten the ok from our adoption agency that all of it is filled out correctly.  Should get that tomorrow.  I've added a thermometer counter to the right over there =====>  to show where we are financially.  Yes, between donations and fundraisers and our own personal finances, we have raised $10K.  We still have a ways to go as you can tell.  But God will provide every penny.  He has so far. Not to mention I had to add a new donate button.  Chipin merged with another group and so here we are. 

2. Time for a change in school:
We have decided to revamp our home school this next year.  Not sure what it's going to look like yet, we just know that life is changing and I need to simplify.  I also need to be able to work with all of the kids instead of trying work in four different books, for four different children.  Looking into Tapestry of Grace.  Looking at Notebooking for the kids as well.  I want something fun and yet educational.  Something that we can all do together.  It's just time for a change. 

3. Time for the seasons to mellow:
I love spring. I love the warmer weather after a cold winter but not so hot weather before summer hits.  Time to spend with friends and family as we enjoy the cricket sounds in the air, children laughing into the night, warm breezes and just a time of relaxing and laughing.

4.  Time to move again:
We are awaiting to find out if we are moving again in the next year.  My man has been chosen for a new spot but where that spot is, we just don't know.  Should find out in the next 6-8 weeks.  So, proud of him.  Just hoping we don't stay in the rubber band mess that we have been in the last several years.

5.  Realty smealty:
So over owning a house we don't live in.  Anyone want to make an offer?  Would make this girl happy :)

Anyway, I could go all political on you, but I won't.  Kind of tired of it this week.  Not to mention it's Maundy Thursday.  Tomorrow is Good Friday.  Praying you all have a wonderful Easter weekend.  May it be warm and sunny where you are.


1 comment:

LindaLea said...

It made me happy to check your page and find an update. :) It's exciting to see that thermometer -- can't wait to see it rise all the way to the top! Praising God for all He's done and will continue to do to bring David home.

I'll be praying you find the answers you need for a great homeschool year next year and that any moves will bring you closer to Nebraska...oh, wait...would that be selfish?! :)

Love you!