Don't excuse yourself by saying,
"Look we didn't know."
For God understands all hearts, and He sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
He will repay all people as their actions deserve.
Proverbs 24:12

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Bloggy Friends!!!

I feel absolutely horrible because I have wanted to introduce you all to some new bloggy friends but have not spent much time in the blogging world lately.  I've tried to keep up with YOUR blogs but haven't done well with mine at all.  But I have to introduce to you some folks that I have just met and absolutely love.  Not to mention share with you what they are doing to bring home their son, Kaden!

Annette and her husband, Steve have 4 boys at home already and  
are in the process of bringing this precious boy home from China. I will tell you, he is a character and just as sweet looking as can be. They have photos of him at Christmas time dressed up as Santa Claus.
He's just tooo cute!  I mean look at that smile!!  Aww, the wonders of God. 

So, to raise money to bring Kaden home, Steve, designed
 this print based off of James 1:27:

Isn't it awesome?!!!  I absolutely love this.  It is beautiful and I was so excited when I found out I won one!!!  As I told Annette, I would have bought one even if I hadn't won because I love it so much!! It's going to go perfectly with another print my dh gave me for Christmas.  I'll post pics when I receive the Cox's print and have it framed.  So EXCITED!!!!  But I digress.

Here it is framed:

I love it's simplicity.  It's understated yet speaks truth. That's my kind of art!!!

Here are the sizes available along with the pricing:
12" x 16" - $30

16" x 20" - $40

23" x 31" - $50

The cost is for the print only.  If you are interested or have any questions, you may contact Annette at .

If you want to follow the Cox family on their journey to little Kaden click here

Check out this awesome family.  Support them in their journey to Kaden.  Let's help unoprhan one more for the glory of God!!!!


P.S.   They also have a Scentsy Fundraiser going on now  So, if you are a Scentsy Fan and want to support this family this way, check it out here

1 comment:

Annette said...

Laurie, thanks so much for blessing our familiy and for spreading the word about our precious Kaden! Hope you enjoy your poster! Blessings to you and your family!